Primary & Secondary

Learning Conferences 

29 February & 1 March

Thursday 29 February 2024

4PM - 8PM

No classes on Friday 1 March

Friday 1 March 2024 

8AM - 4PM

Welcome to Primary Learning Conferences

Our Primary Learning Conferences will be face to face this year. 

Learning Conferences are formal sessions for parents that are, in the main, led by the learners themselves. Our teachers will have guided and prepared your child for this experience. The emphasis is on the discussion between you and your child around their learning journey.

You have been invited to book a 3-way conference between your child, yourselves and your child’s homeroom teacher. These appointments will be available after school on Thursday, 29 February and over the school day on Friday, 1 March. 

Straight after these conversations, your child will lead you through a selection of homeroom activities to enable you to share and understand their learning in more depth. You will also be able to experience activities with your child to showcase their learning in all specialist areas; Music, Visual Arts, PHE, LOTE-French or Chinese and BML. We strongly encourage you to choose at least 2 specialist areas to visit.

The focus of the Learning Conference is to support you to understand your child’s learning journey, and foster agency in your child. By empowering learners to become more self-directed and engaged in their learning we encourage motivation, deeper learning, and better outcomes. Learner agency also helps develop important skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication, which are essential for success in today's complex and rapidly changing world. In addition, these conferences facilitate the ongoing home school relationships that we know are critical to successful learning.

The conversations with your homeroom teachers will be conducted in English. We encourage parents that are not fluent in English to have someone join the conversation that can help them translate. Unfortunately, the school is not able to provide translators.

Please book your time for you and your child to meet for the 3-way conferences with your child's homeroom teacher through the Parent Portal. Bookings will close on Wednesday, 28 February.

For the Learning Conference to be most valuable for you and your child, we recommend that you put aside approximately 90 minutes for each child. All the conferences will be face to face as we strongly believe that the value that comes from the 3-way conversation is significantly enhanced by being in the same space. In addition,  many of the activities have been planned with access to school spaces and resources in mind. We are very much looking forward to being able to welcome you into the building. Prior to the Learning Conferences, you may find it useful to have re-read your child’s Semester 1 Learning Summary that was issued in December via the parent portal.

For learners that have joined us in Semester 2, the conversation with the homeroom teacher will be more focused on how your child is settling into life at Nexus. 

We look forward to seeing you in school.

Warm Regards

Ms Fiona

Welcome to Secondary Learning Conferences

Our Secondary Learning Conferences will all be held online. 

Relationships are one of the elements of the Nexus Way, and we are always looking for ways to develop these further. Our learning conferences present an excellent opportunity to discuss your child’s learning. Building a strong home-school partnership is essential to your child’s growth and development and this is the second opportunity this academic year to meet with your child's teachers.

Learners are expected to attend the Learning Conferences with families and guardians.   

We advise leaving gaps between appointments to enable you and your child to transition between meetings more smoothly.

The site below or Secondary page will provide you with access to your online conferences.  Please find the appropriate Google Meet links to connect with your child's teacher. 

We look forward to seeing you.

Best wishes,

Dr Heather